21 research outputs found

    Using Space Syntax For Estimation Of Potential Disaster Indirect Economic Losses

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    The study of applicable network measures shows that Normalised Angular Choice can be used as criteria for selecting alternatives for minimizing indirect costs caused by road network damages. At the same time, this methodology cannot be used for monetizing indirect costs or identifying losses in different economic sectors. The study approach does not contradict the main theoretical approaches and it gives new opportunities for research on disasters recovery


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    A study on the infl uence of Lactina probiotics on the content of some microbial species and some histological characteristics in the intestine of Muscovy ducklings has been conducted. The authors proved, that Lactina probiotic had a signifi cant effect on the microfl ora in the large intestines, suppressing the development of the enterococci and pathogenic bacteria of Salmonella species and stimulating the development of the lactic acid bacteria. The structure of the intestinal wall corresponded to an active functional status, no signifi cant differences being established in the histological structure between the experimental and the control groups.Проведено е изследване на влиянието на пробиотик Лактина върху съдържанието на някои микробиални видове и някои микробиологични характеристики на микробиалния тракт на Мускусни патета. Авторите доказват, че пробиотикът Лактина влияе значително върху микрофлората дебелите черва, като подтиска развитието на ентерококи и патогенни бактерии от род Salmonella и стимулира развитието на млечнокисели бактерии. Структурата на тънките черва има активен функционален статус, като не са открити значителни разлики в хистологичния строеж между контролната и опитната групи


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    The purpose of this article is to assess the possibilities for creating an analytical database to study real estate prices. To a large extent, the article presents some of the findings of a joint project with leading Bulgarian real estate agencies. Using a suitable analytical approach and standardising the information would bring substantial benefits to the dynamic Bulgarian market. Due to the lack of tools and experience, it was necessary to select an appropriate method and to apply it to the largest possible database created with the help of information from other markets. The study focused on the impact of urban security on real estate prices. On the one hand, this is a basic determinant for customers’ choice, and on the other hand, information about security rating could be used in urban planning and management. As a result, a georeferenced dataset was created with information about the characteristics of over 191 000 properties in Denver, Colorado. The application of the selected method – the Geographically Weighted Hedonic Regression – for this dataset showed a number of issues related to hardware and software restrictions of the application, the manner of data aggregation and the presence of co-linearity between indices. The application of the Geographically Weighted Principal Analysis as a means of solving the problem of co-linearity has shown other advantages such as defining the impact of various indices in smaller urban regions. Despite using data from other markets, this research has made some important conclusions regarding the definition, collection and study of data necessary for the creation of a suitable database to analyse the Bulgarian real estate market


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    The paper is focused on the spatial exploratory analysis of data related to crime and economic development in EU on the NUTS-3 level. NUTS is the statistical territorial classification of EU and EUROSTAT and its 3rd level includes the smallest regions. The analysis has three steps. First of all, the most commonly used indicators in studies investigating the relationship crime-economic conditions were identified. In the second stage, after search for these indicators in EUROSTAT NUTS-3 level datasets the research dataset was established. Finally, the data is geographically referenced and tests for spatial dependencies and local correlation of some indicators are introduced. Hierarchical clustering of indicators is used both for 2009 and 2010. The research shows the existence of flows and inequalities of data, as well as absence of data on NUTS-3 level for important indicators, despite their presence on higher levels of the territorial classification. Regardless of these shortcomings, the exploratory spatial analysis generates the idea to continue the research on the relations between infrastructural indicators such as distance to ports and highways and crime rates. The mapping of identified clusters shows the existence of stable geographically formed groups of regions from similar clusters. Another positive result is the possibility to classify, visualize and study the similarities and differences in EU smallest statistical regions

    Параметри на лактационната крива в зависимост от продължителността на лактация при биволици от две различни системи на отглеждане

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    Buffaloes from intensive (farm 1 - Fm1; 438 normal, 115 short lactations) and pasture (farm 2 - Fm2; 330 + 58 lactations) system were assigned to study lactation curve via ANOVA (LSMLMW and MIXMDL) per each 10-day period (“tenday”), as well as overall (PI1) and post-peak (PIP) persistency. Greatest is the effect of parity and season, also of year on 2nd-12th tenday. Persistency is affected by parity, year and season of calving, and especially by peak month and DIM (P≤0.001). The curves showed peak averagely at 2nd tenday in both herds. Compared to the buffaloes on pasture, Fm1 has significantly lower milk in initial two and in 15th to 21st tendays, defining slower decline to mid-lactation and faster after that. These differences in the curves predetermine a non-significant difference in PI1 between Fm1 and Fm2 (0.932 and 0.940) and a significant but still small superiority in PIP of Fm2 (0.893) over Fm1 (0.880). The lactations below 210 days are 17.8%, persistency being 0.859 to 0.742, and peak by 17 to 32% worse than normal lactation. Long and very long lactations’ persistency is 0.923 and 0.950. Only very long lactations have а typical curve – 4th tenday peak, by 10% lower than normal lactation.Бяха включени биволици от интензивна (Fm1 – 438 нормални и 115 къси лактации) и пасищна (Fm2 - 330 + 58 лактации) технология на отглеждане, за проучване на лактационната крива чрез ANOVA (LSMLMW и MIXMDL) за всяка 10-дневка, както и на общото (PI1) и след-пиково (PIP) постоянство. Най-значим е ефектът на поредната лактация и сезона,, както и на годината за 2-ра–12-та десетдневка. Постоянството се влияе от поредната лактация, годината, сезона, и особено от пиковия месец и дойните дни (P≤0.001). Пикът е средно през 2-ра десетдневка в двете стада. В сравнение с биволиците на паша, Fm1 има достоверно по-ниска млечност в първите две и в 15та–21ва десетдневка, дефинирайки по-бавен спад до средата на лактацията и по-бърз след това. Тези разлики в кривите предопределят недостоверна разлика в PI1 между Fm1 и Fm2 (0.932 и 0.940) и и малко но достоверно превъзходство в PIP на Fm2 (0.893) спрямо Fm1 (0.880). Лактациите под 210 дни съставляват 17,8%, като постоянството е от 0,859 до 0,742, а пика е със 17 до 32% по-нисък от нормалната лактация. Постоянството на дългите и много дългите лактации е 0,923 и 0,950. Само много дългите лактации имат типична крива – пик в четвърто десетдневие, с 10% по-нисък от нормалната лактация

    Параметри на лактационната крива в зависимост от продължителността на лактация при биволици от две различни системи на отглеждане

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    Buffaloes from intensive (farm 1 - Fm1; 438 normal, 115 short lactations) and pasture (farm 2 - Fm2; 330 + 58 lactations) system were assigned to study lactation curve via ANOVA (LSMLMW and MIXMDL) per each 10-day period (“tenday”), as well as overall (PI1) and post-peak (PIP) persistency. Greatest is the effect of parity and season, also of year on 2nd-12th tenday. Persistency is affected by parity, year and season of calving, and especially by peak month and DIM (P≤0.001). The curves showed peak averagely at 2nd tenday in both herds. Compared to the buffaloes on pasture, Fm1 has significantly lower milk in initial two and in 15th to 21st tendays, defining slower decline to mid-lactation and faster after that. These differences in the curves predetermine a non-significant difference in PI1 between Fm1 and Fm2 (0.932 and 0.940) and a significant but still small superiority in PIP of Fm2 (0.893) over Fm1 (0.880). The lactations below 210 days are 17.8%, persistency being 0.859 to 0.742, and peak by 17 to 32% worse than normal lactation. Long and very long lactations’ persistency is 0.923 and 0.950. Only very long lactations have а typical curve – 4th tenday peak, by 10% lower than normal lactation.Бяха включени биволици от интензивна (Fm1 – 438 нормални и 115 къси лактации) и пасищна (Fm2 - 330 + 58 лактации) технология на отглеждане, за проучване на лактационната крива чрез ANOVA (LSMLMW и MIXMDL) за всяка 10-дневка, както и на общото (PI1) и след-пиково (PIP) постоянство. Най-значим е ефектът на поредната лактация и сезона,, както и на годината за 2-ра–12-та десетдневка. Постоянството се влияе от поредната лактация, годината, сезона, и особено от пиковия месец и дойните дни (P≤0.001). Пикът е средно през 2-ра десетдневка в двете стада. В сравнение с биволиците на паша, Fm1 има достоверно по-ниска млечност в първите две и в 15та–21ва десетдневка, дефинирайки по-бавен спад до средата на лактацията и по-бърз след това. Тези разлики в кривите предопределят недостоверна разлика в PI1 между Fm1 и Fm2 (0.932 и 0.940) и и малко но достоверно превъзходство в PIP на Fm2 (0.893) спрямо Fm1 (0.880). Лактациите под 210 дни съставляват 17,8%, като постоянството е от 0,859 до 0,742, а пика е със 17 до 32% по-нисък от нормалната лактация. Постоянството на дългите и много дългите лактации е 0,923 и 0,950. Само много дългите лактации имат типична крива – пик в четвърто десетдневие, с 10% по-нисък от нормалната лактация


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    A study on the infl uence of Lactina probiotics on the content of some microbial species and some histological characteristics in the intestine of Muscovy ducklings has been conducted. The authors proved, that Lactina probiotic had a signifi cant effect on the microfl ora in the large intestines, suppressing the development of the enterococci and pathogenic bacteria of Salmonella species and stimulating the development of the lactic acid bacteria. The structure of the intestinal wall corresponded to an active functional status, no signifi cant differences being established in the histological structure between the experimental and the control groups.Проведено е изследване на влиянието на пробиотик Лактина върху съдържанието на някои микробиални видове и някои микробиологични характеристики на микробиалния тракт на Мускусни патета. Авторите доказват, че пробиотикът Лактина влияе значително върху микрофлората дебелите черва, като подтиска развитието на ентерококи и патогенни бактерии от род Salmonella и стимулира развитието на млечнокисели бактерии. Структурата на тънките черва има активен функционален статус, като не са открити значителни разлики в хистологичния строеж между контролната и опитната групи

    Laparascopic-assisted endoscopic mucosal resection of a polyp in sigma and laparoscopic right hemicolectomy for adenocarcinoma in colon ascendens - case report

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    Today, endoscopic polypectomy has become a daily-performed routine procedure in the operating room. Almost every polyp in the colon can be removed endoscopically, but there are some problematic adenomas which are either large in size or difficult to approach. We present 80 years old white woman with a tubulo­villous adenoma with high-grade dysplasia on a flat surface located in sigma with 4 x 5cm in size and also synchronously found in colon ascendens a well differentiated G1 adenocarcinoma with 2 x 2cm in size on a flat surface. The abdominal ultrasound did not find any liver metastases. Because of the difficult location and the size of the two lesions in the right and left colon, we make a decision for a laparoscopic-assisted en­doscopic mucosal resection (piece-meal) of the polyp in sigma and for the adenocarcinoma in colon ascen­dens the procedure was followed by laparoscopic right hemicolectomy in one step approach. The both inter­ventions were performed without complications and good postoperative period. Hybrid endoscopic and lap­aroscopic interventions are very effective approach that can resect large tubulovillous polyps and adenocar­cinoma of the colon, with a lesser risk of complications. Combining the methods in one surgery save time, make endoscopy more easy to perform and can save one-half of the colon in cases of synchronous lesions of the colon. Scr Sci Med 2017; 49(3): 49-5

    Effect of a Dietary Herbal Mixture Supplement on the Growth Performance, Egg Production and Health Status in Chickens

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    The experiment was carried out with dual-purpose fowls developed for rural backyard farming – indigenous Katunitsa chicken (line “AN”), in a free range management system from hatching to 52 weeks of age. The purpose of the investigation was to establish the influence of a blend of herbs as a dietary supplement on some serum biochemical parameters (alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, total cholesterol, gamma-glutamyl transferase, triglycerides and creatinine), growth performance, egg production, egg fatty acid composition, and health status. The composition of this blend of herbs included: 0.05% garlic powder (Allium sativum), 0.3% cinnamon powder (Cinnamomum verum) and 0.03% of each of the following dried herbs: yarrow (Achillea millefolium), rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis), thyme (Thymus serpyllum), basil (Ocimum basilicum) and oregano (Origanum vulgare).The birds were divided into two groups – control (n=60) without supplemental mixture to the diet and experimental (n=700) with supplemental mixture to the diet from the first day of age to the end of the experiment.The results showed that the herbal mixture supplement decreased significantly the blood serum cholesterol and triglyceride levels – at 7 (P 0.05).Over the entire investigation period the chickens from the experimental group had a better feed conversion ratio (with 3.37%) and a higher egg laying capacity (with 1.79%).At the end of experiment (52 weeks of age), hens from the control group exhibited generalised fatty degeneration of liver parenchyma, while these in experimental group, the major part of hepatocytes had no fat droplets in their cytoplasm.The death rate from 0 to 7, from 8 to 21 and from 22 to 52 weeks of age was 18.33%, 0% and 8.57% in the control group and 1.00%, 0.26% and 2.62% in the experimental group, respectively.Therefore in conclusion, it can be affirmed that the use of this blend of herbs had a beneficial effect in the treated fowls and improved their egg productivity, vitality and health condition

    Crohn's Disease Complicated by Ileosigmoid Fistula - Synchronous Resection or Primary Sigmoid Repair, One or Two-stage Procedure? A systematic review of the literature and prospective case series

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    Introduction: Although ileosigmoid fistulas (ISFs) in Crohn’s disease (CD) are rare they can be quite challenging, especially for the inexperienced surgeons. Furthermore, current guidelines offer no clear recommendation regarding the surgical strategy in such cases. A systematic review of the literature to determine the best surgical strategy and a prospective case series are presented herein.  Materials and methods: The systematic review was performed according to PRISMA guidelines. A single-center prospective data-base from January 1, 2014 to August 20, 2019 is presented. Age, duration of CD, and the rates of ISF, emergency, preoperative diagnosis, type of surgery, type of stoma, and complications were analyzed and a prospective case series. Results: Eleven of 69 papers with a total of 505 patients were included in the systematic analysis. The rate of ISF was 3–5% of all CD patients. The combined preoperative detection rate of all modalities was 71%. Primary repair was performed in 42% of the cases; the rate of stoma was 31.5% with a similar proportion in primary repair and sigmoid resection.In the presented series, 35 of 176 patients with CD were operated (51% in an emergency setting). There were 7 cases with ISFs (4% of all and 20% of the operated patients). Preoperative diagnosis was made at 57%. Primary repair was performed in 71%, and a two-stage intervention with a stoma – in 58% of patients. Conclusions: Primary repair should be attempted in all cases in which the sigmoid colon is disease-free or is not involved in the adja-cent abscess. The synchronous resections are not a mandatory indication for the stoma, but rather a tailored approach is recommended with an evaluation of the risk factors. Based on the available literature, no clear recommendation regarding the type of stoma can be made